Thursday, April 19, 2012

Earth Day

Earth Day is April 22nd. It's a time to remember to take care of the earth. What can YOU do to help the earth? Why do you want to take care of the earth? 


Kyle said...

I can recial I can cans and other stuff to keep the Earth healthy.I can also reuse paper I can make a dragon out of scraps of paper.

Tatum said...

I can pick up trash. Then there wont be liter. I allso try not to yous oil. That way there will be more of that natrale reasorse. we sellabrat Earth Day to help the Earth!

E said...

I will help the Earth by planting trees because we will have more natrine parks.Please don't wast paper or we will not have enough air or trees to breath.

Hattie said...

For earth day I can water my plants and ride my bike. My mom likes me to water plants but I don't do it a lot and it's pretty fun to ride my bike. I can reuse cans for a project. I like to make projects. I can recicle my stuff like shoe boxes. That's what I can do.

Heather said...

I will help the Earth by planting more trees. I will help the earth by not useing to much wood.I will help the earth by not wasting paper.I will help the earth by not cuting down trees.

Emery said...

I riceicle and plant trees to help the earth. On earth day I plant a tree and pick up trash.I don't use much elekchrisidy.

Elizabeth said...

I can plant more trees in my yard. I can ride my bike,walk and run. I can recicle more stuff and not liter. If you recicle things you can reuse them. Recicling is good because it can make other things.

Grace said...

To help the earth I can resicol and plant more trees not waist our oil.I want to help the earth so our world wont be derty.So help the world!

Charlie said...

I can plant trees. I Rea-sicle. If I want something to eat I put a little amount of it.

Hannah said...

I can help the earth by recicling and reusing my old things that I don't need.I also help by planting more trees. I can not use paper too mutch and waste it. hats how I can help the earth.I want to do it because earth day is coming up.

Andrew said...

I will help the world by recycling and sort paper in the paper bin cans in the can bin and I will plant flowers to help the world look more beautiful. I want to take care of the world because it's the reason we are living I love the world. Very much. Wait by.

Caitlin said...

I could recicle so we can reuse some thing again. I could all so pick up trash and throw it away so the earth could be clean.I want to take care of the earth so it can be clean.

Stephen said...

I can recycle and pick up trash.I can plant more trees. So we have more oxegent. I can recycle plastec

Beth said...

I can plant more trees. I can recycle like drink water and recycle the bottle but not the top. Trees give us oxygent. that is what I know.

Mark said...

I want to not litter. And keep the earth clean. So the earth will not be like the lorax

Arthur said...

If I see someone litter I would pick it up. We want to take of the Earth because we live in it and we dont want to be died