Monday, May 25, 2009

the last days

Can you believe that first grade is almost over? It's gone by so fast. You've made new friends, you've learned new things, and you had new experiences. What will you miss about first grade? Why?


William said...

I will miss Ms.Vo a lot because she is a super duper teacher. I will also miss the class hamster, Puddles because he is so cute. that is what i will miss about 1st

Ellen said...

I will miss Ms.Vo because she is my teacher.

Jackson said...

I will every thing because I love it.

grace said...

I will miss alot. I wiil just name one.I wiil ms Ms.vo because she is very specia and she has cool pets.

Rylie Mae said...

I will miss Ms.Vo and Lauren and Jackson. I will miss dear time ,too. I wil miss blots of things!

Sara said...

Dear mrs.Vo
I will miss everything but i will miss you the most.I am really exited for second grade.I want mrs.Collins.

William Bazzone said...

Rylie Mae, why wiil you miss Lauren and Jackson? (Give me a reason why, how will you miss them why do you like them or how will you miss them)? ( There has go to be a reason why).